We encourage the concrete application of revolutionary theory on the concrete conditions in each country.
PRISM generates and shares resources needed by activists for revolutionary mass work. Its main thrust is to promote mass work for the purpose of revolutionary change.
This focus is premised on the masses of the people in all countries aspiring for radical social change, achieving this change themselves by acting collectively and sustainably through mass movements. All activists must continually engage in mass work if they are to build and lead such mass movements.
PRISM’s role is to help equip activists with the tools for putting theory into practice, to be well-grounded in theory but also be able to translate theory into action. This means activists must develop the capacity to reach out to the masses, to develop and lead their mass organizations and mass actions.
PRISM is an international initiative. Political parties and mass organizations must and can undertake radical social changes through efforts of their own people. Nevertheless, learning and sharing the principles, policies and methods for effecting change have no national boundaries.
We encourage the concrete application of revolutionary theory on the concrete conditions in each country. Through research, mass organizing, and actual political action, we deepen our understanding of how the neoliberal project operates and impacts the people in each country and internationally, how the various strands of the people’s movement respond, and through such understanding, we arrive at correct sets of strategy and tactics as may be applicable to each country or to many countries.
We share with other initiatives the long-term goal of enhancing the capability of organized revolutionary forces and people’s organizations to advance and sustain mass struggles and to confront the broad-spectrum dominance and control of the imperialists and all reactionaries.