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Irina Malenko, who was born and raised in the former Soviet Union, is author of Sovietica, a three-volume personal account of life in the ex-socialist country and in the West where she presently resides. She delivered the keynote speech address for Topic 1, “Achievements of the October Revolution” at the Amsterdam People’s Conference on the Continuing Validity of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The conference was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 23-24 September 2017. This is the full text of his speech, with the PDF version attached at the end. Read more

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AMSTERDAM, 24 September—Senior and veteran revolutionaries, socialist advocates and progressive political leaders, many of them with white or thinning hair, raised their clenched fists once more—this time with young social and cultural activists and trade unionists. Young and old together marked the October Revolution of 1917 with a People’s Conference that affirmed its relevance to the continuing struggle for revolutionary change in the 21st century. Read more

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Prof. Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, delivered the keynote address for the launching assembly of the campaign to celebrate the Great October Socialist Revolution. The launch was held in the University of the Philippines Diliman campus in Quezon City, the Philippines on May 5 and 6, 2017. This is […]

“We can say with confidence: Socialism has not failed. The counter-revolutionaries seized power from the proletariat. We just have to take the power back and we will!” So ended Prof. Pao-yu Ching’s presentation at a forum to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. The celebration was held on May 29, 2016 in Amsterdam. Prof. Ching and Prof. Jose Maria Sison were the main speakers. Read more

Revisionist Betrayal of Socialism in the Soviet Union

Editor’s note: This presentation was read as a historical background to Irina Malenko’s book, Sovietica, at the launch of its Dutch version, Gelukkig in de Sovjet Unie, in Amsterdam, on 21 February 2016. Based on articles of the author in the wake of the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, the presentation is reposted here as a quick summary of his views on socialism and revisionism in the context of the Russian revolution and counter-revolution. Read more


Jose Maria Sison presented the paper Requisites for Building the Socialist Future for the Inception Workshop of the People’s Resource for International Solidarity and Mass Mobilization (PRISM) in Utrecht, The Netherlands on November 14, 2014. In the paper, Prof. Sison outlines five general requisites for building the socialist future.
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