
PRISM received this emailed statement by a regular reader, who requested anonymity and will temporarily go by the initials “OC”, in response to the 13 November 2020 editorial of the Tribune of the People (

The TOTP editorial, in the form of an “open letter” to the Communist Party of the Philippines, criticizes the CPP for its statement on the recent electoral victory of Joe Biden over incumbent US President Trump. The CPP statement, entitled “On the defeat of Donald Trump in the US presidential elections,” is posted on .

We decided to publish Contributor “OC”s” response here in the spirit of pursuing discussions on strategy and tactics of the revolutionary mass movement as applied to various countries and as seen from the framework of Marxism-Leninism and Maoist theories on people’s war.

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This paper was presented by Prof. Jose Maria Sison to a webinar on the toxic character of US-Philippine relations as well China-Philippine relations, as well as the dangers and opportunities of inter-imperialist contradictions for the Philippine struggle for full national freedom. The webinar, entitled “Exposing Toxic Relationship: Signs Imperialist US is an Abusive Partner”, was conducted on 4 July 2020 and hosted by the national office and University of Santo Tomas chapter of the League of Filipino Students. The video version is available at this YouTube link.

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US police brutality

This is Part 1 of a series of commentaries by PRISM editors and Art Belisario on the ongoing events and trends in the U.S. around the issue of racist violence by state forces and the people’s massive protest actions in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns, and socio-economic crisis.

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ILPS protest march

The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), in a statement by its chairman Len Cooper, expressed solidarity with the people of the United States and millions of sympathizers worldwide in condemning the latest murders of black people at the hands of the U.S. police forces. The statement, updated on 4 June and circulated in other online sites and via email, emphasized that the same imperialist state that wields the weapons of criminal violence against its own citizens also uses the same weapons—directly or indirectly—against many peoples of the world.

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The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) held its conference on October 22 entitled “Right to Resist, Right to Exist: Unite to Fight Police Terror, State Repression, and Racism.” The decades-long cumulative results of neoliberalism and the crisis of monopoly capitalism provides a sweeping background of the current spate of state repression and police brutality in the US, and the basis for a broad united front vs. US imperialism. Prof. Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson of the ILPS’ International Coordinating Committee, sent this message of solidarity to the conference. Read more