Prof. Jose Ma. Sison’s paper for the Manila launch on May 5, 2017, of the centennial commemoration of the Great October Socialist Revolution is now available in Bahasa Indonesia. PRISM welcomes comments and suggested improvements in the translation. Contact us and we will consider your suggestions. Read more

Prof. Jose Ma. Sison’s paper for the Manila launch on May 5, 2017, of the centennial commemoration of the Great October Socialist Revolution is now available in French. PRISM welcomes comments and suggested improvements in the translation. Contact us and we will consider your suggestions. Read more

Prof. Jose Ma. Sison’s paper for the Manila launch on May 5, 2017, of the centennial commemoration of the Great October Socialist Revolution is now available in both simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese. PRISM welcomes comments and suggested improvements in the translation. Contact us and we will consider your suggestions. Read more


7-7. On the struggle to consolidate Soviet power, the peace of Brest-Litovsk, and the Seventh Party Congress

In the course of a few months, from the end of 1917 to the middle of 1918, a series of measures to consolidate, defend, and advance the gains of the socialist revolution were carried out. These measures undermined the very root of the power of the bourgeoisie and the landlords, the reactionary officials and the counterrevolutionary parties. Such measures strengthened the position of the new Soviet government within the country.

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The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) reiterated its solidarity with “the government and people of Venezuela in their heroic struggle for national independence and socialism against US imperialism and its lackeys” within the country.

In the statement, ILPS chairperson Professor Jose Maria Sison reviewed the successes of “the Bolivarian revolutionary struggle” in Venezuela under the leadership of its late president, Hugo Chavez. “The people of Venezuela are loyal to and love Comrade Hugo Chavez because he led them to assert national independence and to aim for socialism,” Sison said. Read more

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November 25—As the year-long October Revolution Centennial Celebration (ORCC) draws to a close, it has reissued the General Declaration with the approval of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), the People’s Resource for International Solidarity and Mass Mobilization (PRISM), and a growing list of other progressive anti-imperialist, socialist, and Marxist-Leninist organizations.

The General Declaration was presented and discussed during the recently concluded People’s Conference on 23-24 September 2017 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Taking consideration of the major points debated during the two-day conference, the assembly decided to further circulate the draft to get the full approval, or approval with specific reservations, by the participating organizations. The full text follows: Read more

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The Partito dei Comitati di Appoggio alla Resistenza – per il Comunismo (CARC Party, Italy) participated in the Amsterdam conference on the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution on 23-24 September 2017. The following is the full text of the CARC Party’s intervention, which was presented by Comrade Paolo Babini. (Subheads and footnote is by PRISM editors.) Read more

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MANILA, The Philippines—Novermber 7 this year, which marks the centennial of the Great October Socialist Revolution under the leadership of the Bolsheviks in Russia, reverberated with added fullness in this southeast Asian archipelago with a long-standing proletarian-led mass movement.
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The People’s Liberation Front (JVP) Sri Lanka marked the October Revolution centenary at the Viharamahadevi park in Colombo on 27-28 October. The organizers said it was the largest commemoration in Sri Lanka, held simultaneously with similar others across the globe. Read more

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Irina Malenko, who was born and raised in the former Soviet Union, is author of Sovietica, a three-volume personal account of life in the ex-socialist country and in the West where she presently resides. She delivered the keynote speech address for Topic 1, “Achievements of the October Revolution” at the Amsterdam People’s Conference on the Continuing Validity of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The conference was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 23-24 September 2017. This is the full text of his speech, with the PDF version attached at the end. Read more